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  • kellyobranovic


I have been brainstorming for awhile my impact on this platform. Some days I feel dumb even engaging and others I feel like I have an opportunity to create something for good, and share my eclectic interests and talents with this tiny piece of my world. You know when you're getting older when you're slowly able to say, "I don't really care what anyone thinks." For some reason, despite how hard it is to learn this lesson earlier, our egos persist.

An idea I have been bouncing around is a month of gratitude and grace. What does that look like? Well, as we embark on a season of family and thankfulness, we are still living in a world in chaos. How do we press pause and exist in our own spaces, taking care of one another during this special season, all the while the world is spinning rapidly around us? I think it involves looking at the little things that presently exist in our lives that fulfill us. What is at our core, our foundation? I have a lot of things in the works to try and support this thought- but let's start with one!- I vote for sisterhood! Sisters are undeniably something to be grateful for. Sisterhood is not limited to the people who share the same genes, but stretch far beyond to the people who raise you, the people who love you, the people who believe in you, the people who smile at you. It's your village. We all have a little sisterhood in our lives. In honor of sisters. Here is mine :)

She's pretty rad. She's loyal. She's hilarious. She's kind. She's smart. She's really talented. She's level headed. She's mine. You can't have her.

While I'm one of the lucky ones to have a sister from the same family, I have many from other spaces in my life and I'm grateful for them too. I'd put their photos here, but there are too many to populate. Sisterhood runs far and deep.

I have had the opportunity to begin to raise sisters and here is a rare photo of everyone kind of looking at the camera and kind of not crying. By the way-that about sums up a toddler sister relationship. No one can sleep without the other more than two feet away, but heaven forbid someone puts a toe on you during dinner.

In honor of Sisterhood and kicking off this season of gratitude and grace, I made this sisterhood print. You can download it for free here. Please tag @wildmaedesign and use the hashtag #graceforthesedays and I'll feature it!

Let's start recognizing those sisters out there - whether near, far, here, or there. We are stronger together.

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